is a text file that lists a number of fields that describe the level, each field should start on a new line. While most of these are optional you should set at least:
Fields[edit | edit source]
kind: LevelKind
- One of
- One of
immutable_program: Bool
- Player cannot edit the program in assembley enabled RAM & ROM
immutable_spec: Bool
- Player cannot edit the
- Player cannot edit the
overwrite_assembly: Bool
no_score: Bool
tests: SInt
- Number of tests to run, defaults to 1
title: String
- Pretty name for display in game
default_isa_spec: String
default_assembly: String
no_panel: Bool
no_state_ui: Bool
no_controls: Bool
size: (S16,S16,S16,S16)
- Coordinates of the edges of the allowed draw area
(left, top, right, bottom)
- Ignored for architecture levels
- Coordinates of the edges of the allowed draw area
unlocks_components: [ComponentKind]
components_available: {ComponentKind: SInt}
- This overrides the default component list based on the level progression
- Maximum number of allowed instances of
- -1 means unlimited
- If this option is specified then custom components will NOT be available unless the IO pins (
com_cc_input: -1, com_cc_output: -1
) are also listed.
add_components: {ComponentKind: SInt}
- This adds to the default component list based on the level progression
- -1 means unlimited
remove_components: [ComponentKind]
- Exclude these Components from the build menu
tick_past_fail: SInt
output_history_pins: SInt
copy_solution_to_level: [String]
- Note: Potentially broken parsing code, might copy stuff to weird locations on small mistakes
copy_solution_to_architecture: String
save_solution_as_custom: String
unlocks_info: String
input_labels: [(String,)|(String,String)|(String,String,String)]
- Same Note, but less danger, just messed up names
output_labels: [String]
- Same Note
unlocks_pages: [String]
- Same Note
unlocks_special: [String]
- Same Note
background: UInt
arch_input_word_size: SInt
next_level: String
dialogue: Dialogue
post_mortem_first_win: Dialogue
post_mortem: Dialogue
Dialogue[edit | edit source]
The <Dialogue> format is TODO.
Hints[edit | edit source]
To disable all custom components specify components_available
with all of the allowed built-in components, excluding the IO pins.