Component/Makers and Splitters

From Turing Complete
64bit Splitter
File:Component Splitter64.png
Type 64bit
Unlocked by The Lab
Internal ID Splitter64
64 Bit Maker
File:Component Maker64.png
Type 64bit
Unlocked by The Lab
Internal ID Maker64
32 bit Splitter
File:Component Splitter32.png
Type 32bit
Unlocked by The Lab
Internal ID Splitter32
32 Bit Maker
File:Component Maker32.png
Type 32bit
Unlocked by The Lab
Internal ID Maker32
16 bit Splitter
File:Component Splitter16.png
Type 16bit
Unlocked by The Lab
Internal ID Splitter16
16 Bit Maker
File:Component Maker16.png
Type 16bit
Unlocked by The Lab
Internal ID Maker16
Byte Splitter
Type 8bit
Unlocked by Double the Number
Internal ID Splitter8
8 Bit Maker
Type 8bit
Unlocked by Double the Number
Internal ID Maker8

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These are used for bundling and unbunlding groups of wires for ease of use.

Alpha[edit | edit source]


This section descibes the early access verion 0.1142 save_breaker. It may not be completly correct for the the current stable version, nor the latest unstable version. Help us update it, and you get a cookie.

The word makers and splitters can now be confingured with a static width; this controls:

  • Makers: Width of each INPUT pin
  • Splitters: Width of each OUTPUT pin