Custom level creation/Adding your level to the map

From Turing Complete
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This page descibes the early access verion 0.1346 Beta. It may not be completely correct for the the current stable version, nor the latest unstable version. Help us update it, and you get a cookie.

At any time after your level directory is created, open up the game console and enter the command dev_mode on . This will enable the component menu on the level map, as well as enabling all available components including those normally hidden during gameplay.

Adding the component to the map[edit | edit source]

For our current purposes, we want the component called Level component:

Level component
The Level component

Place the component and rotate it until the lock icon is facing the correct direction:

Level component (locked)
The Level component (locked)

Setting the component's name[edit | edit source]

The component will now display it's name as Level ''not found (alongside the level ID), similar to:

Level name not found
Level name not found

To fix this, select your new component and open the game console again. Run the command set_component_string my_level (replacing my_level with your level's directory name).

You will need to click the "hamburger" icon () for this step. Pressing Escape will de-select the component.

Attaching the component to the campaign[edit | edit source]

You can now connect your component to the rest of the level map by drawing wires as normal. The component will automatically update it's state to yellow (available but not yet completed) as soon as it receives an signal from another component (a prior completed level, or any other component such as Constant ON). Of course, it you connect it to an incomplete level it will remain red (locked).

Saving your changes[edit | edit source]

Once you are satisfied with your level's position and connections, access the game console once more and run the command save_level . This command will overwrite the map's

{{note|type=info|It is recommended that you return to the game console and the command dev_mode off after you've completed your updates. You will not be able to load the level from the map while dev_mode is enabled (it selects the component instead).

This is the most likely change to cause conflicts with either Steam updates or git updates. is a binary file and automatic merging is generally not possible. You will have to choose between the convenience of simply clicking your level to load it and dealing with potential conflicts when they arise, or waiting until the last minute to add your level to the map and stick with using the load command in the game console while you're still working on your level.