
From Turing Complete
Revision as of 12:44, 30 August 2024 by Gelthor (talk | contribs) (Added infobox and truth table)
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File:Component XOR.png
Width 1
Type 1bit
Unlocked by XOR Gate
XOR Gate Truth Table
Input One Input Two Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

The 1-bit Xor gate, also called exclusive OR, outputs a or 1 state, but only if ONE of the inputs is in a or 1 state. If both inputs are , it outputs an . If neither input is , it outputs an . It is useful when you want to make sure that only 1 of 2 bits is . Another common use is to invert a bit if another signal is .