Template:Infobox component/Documentation

Template page
Revision as of 11:07, 22 August 2024 by Gelthor (talk | contribs) (Fixed typo)


{{Infobox component
| component    = In game name. Optional, defaults to subpage name
| image        = Defaults to "Component {{{component}}}.png"
| bit-width    = One of 1; 8; 16; 32; 64 (Optional)
| type         = One of 1bit; 8bit; 16bit; 32bit; 64bit; io; (Required)
| subtype      = One of display; logic; math; probe; ram; sandb (Optional)
| prerequisite = Level that unlocks this component (Optional)
| nocategory   = Set to 1, or any value, to prevent the page from being included in any of the compoment categories


{{Infobox component
| component    = 8 Bit NAND
| image        = Component 8 Bit NAND.png
| bit-width    = 8
| type         = 8bit
| subtype      = logic
| prerequisite = Logic Engine
8 Bit NAND
Width 8
Type 8bit / logic
Unlocked by Logic Engine


{{Infobox component
| component    = <!-- In game name. Optional, defaults to subpage name -->
| image        = <!-- Defaults to "Component {{{component}}}.png" -->
| bit-width    = <!-- One of 1; 8; 16; 32; 64 (Optional) -->
| type         = <!-- One of 1bit; 8bit; 16bit; 32bit; 64bit; io; (Required) -->
| subtype      = <!-- One of display; logic; math; probe; ram; sandb (Optional) -->
| prerequisite = <!-- Level that unlocks this component (Optional) -->
| nocategory   = <|-- Set to 1, or any value, to prevent the page from being included in the Guide Category}} -->