
Template page


This template prevents line breaks during HTML mathematics. It is a practical alternative to excessive use of non-breaking spaces ( ).


In a math article, included math such as

''f'': ''X'' × ''Y'' → [0, 1]

may end up broken between lines. This can be fixed using nonbreaking spaces:

''f'': ''X'' × ''Y'' → [0, 1]

However, this results in cumbersome source code which can be difficult to edit. Using this template, the same result can be achieved with:

{{mbox| ''f'': ''X'' × ''Y'' → [0, 1]}}

Dealing with equations

Because of Wikipedia limitations on templates, mbox doesn't function as stated above if the math contains an equals sign. In this case, the following syntax should be used:

{{mbox|= 2''x'' + 3''y'' + 5''z'' = 7}}

Using |= instead of | also works for non-equations.